Public Administration (MPA)

网赌的十大网站的公共管理课程为学生在教育领域的职业生涯做准备, nonprofit, government, for-profit, private and public sector management or consulting, environmental agencies, healthcare, policy analysis, homeland security and more. Uniquely set in the School of Justice Studies, RWU’s MPA program emphasizes accountability, transparency, ethics, 隐私和参与——这些价值观将决定你在政府或非营利组织的管理生涯.


Hybrid (Providence)

Synchronous online


Evenings meeting every other week

Credits Required


Time Commitment

2 to 4 years





Ways to Save


Apply By

January 1 for Spring

May 1 for Summer

August 1 for Fall


Master of Public Administration

公共管理硕士课程(MPA)是一个36学分的课程,专为在联邦政府工作或感兴趣的个人设计, state, local, regional, and international government, non-profits, and non-governmental organizations. Non-profit organizations include museums, membership associations, and other 501 (c) (3) institutions, as well as hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. 该课程以美国国家公共事务与管理学院协会(NASPAA)的标准为基础。. MPA项目旨在为学生创造与NASPAA一致的能力.

该项目的学生解决影响世界各地人们以及家庭和工作的关键社会问题,以找到解决方案. 课程侧重于管理领域,如财务管理和组织管理,以及更大的概念,如道德和全球意识. 毕业生继续在广泛的组织中就业,从地方市政当局和国家机构到政府政策分析师和筹款人.


  1. manage in public organizations
  2. participate in and contribute to the policy process
  3. 分析、综合、批判性思考、解决问题和做决定
  4. 在不同的环境中与不同的群体进行沟通和互动


  1. Accountability
  2. Transparency
  3. Respect for citizen privacy
  4. Ethical actions and values
  5. Participatory process

课程中的课程分为四个领域:核心课程, areas of concentration, research/internship, and capstone experience. 六门课程的核心课程为学生提供了成为有效的公共管理者所需的知识和技能. 然后,学生将在公共管理或卫生保健管理的四门课程中进行更深入的学习. 遵循核心课程顺序和选择的专业, 学生完成实习(职前学生)或研究课程(在职学生). 36学分的课程完成后,由教师指导学生自行设计一个顶点项目. 随着学生在项目中的进步,他们被鼓励利用MPA和相关资源提供的所有研究机会,因为他们考虑他们的顶点项目.


被考虑入读公共管理硕士学位课程, 申请人必须持有获得认可的学院或大学的学士学位. To apply, submit the following:

  1. Completed application form accompanied by the $50 application fee
  2. Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate coursework
  3. Letter of Intent (最多两页双倍行距)描述你对公共行政/管理的兴趣, career goals, and anticipated contributions to the M.P.A. program at Roger Williams University
  4. Two letters of recommendation 证明你在研究生院取得成功的潜力
  5. A current resume
  6. 如果你的第一语言不是英语,一份官方报告 TOEFL or IELTS results

It is recommended that students present at least a 3.0累积的本科GPA,以便被考虑进入M.P.A. program. 有相关工作经验但未达到最低GPA标准的学生也可以考虑.

Please note: The GRE is not required for admission.

Preferred Application Deadline


如果你在这些日期之后申请,我们可能仍然能够容纳你的申请. Please contact the Office of Graduate Admission at or 401-254-6200 for more information. 

International applicants should also read through the international student requirements.


Office of Graduate Admission
1 Old Ferry Rd.
Bristol, RI 02809

如欲了解更多信息或对申请流程有疑问,请 contact us at any time.

RWU is the home of the Rhode Island Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration


View photos from the 11th Annual Public Service and Leadership Conference held at RWU on May 4, 2022.  

Course Schedules

Fall 2023 MPA and Leadership Course Schedule

Search current course offerings

Headshot of Dorca Paulino

Supporting Judicial Diversity

Dorca M. Paulino, RWU Class of 2017
Public Administration (MPA)

Growing up, Dorca M. 保利诺从未想过自己有一天会在罗德岛州最高法院工作. 现在,她担任我们州政府司法部门的多元化主任.

Read full story

Some Employers of our M.P.A. Graduates  ​​​​​

The ALS Association 

RI Dept. of Health 

American Heart Association 

RI Dept. of Human Services 

Blue Cross & Blue Shield of RI 

RI Dept. of State 

Brown University 


Care New England 

State of Connecticut 

City of Providence 

Town of Dennis (MA) 

Junior Achievement of Rhode Island 

United Healthcare 

Lawrence & Memorial Hospital 

United Way of Rhode Island 

Portsmouth Fire Department 

U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs 

Providence Community Health Center 

Wrentham (MA) Police


如果你是第一响应者(警察/消防/紧急医疗服务),现役美国.S. service member, or a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces, 你有资格获得司法学院研究生课程15%的学费折扣.